Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter Sunday

Rainy Easter makes for an inside Easter Egg Hunt! :)

Fun for the whole family!

The San Antonio Zoo

Haley had a blast at the zoo. She knew just about every animals name there!

The Birthday Party

Haley went to her second birthday party and she didn't quite understand the concept of someone else opening presents and not Haley. So she helped my friend Melissa's daughter open her presents! Poor Haley, no presents for you, not for a couple more months.

Monday, April 6, 2009

An Update

Well, the photography business I started has picked up a little bit! :) That is good news! Haley is almost completely potty trained!!! We are so excited!!!!!! $$$$$ saver! :)
Let's see, what else....
Haley is picking up new things to say everyday.
She smarted back to me the other day. I swear she is almost three going on 13 yr old! She comes up with the craziest things to say at the right moment!